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What's Happening at FBC

  • October 25 - Community Blood Drive
  • October 26 - FREE Outdoor Movie Night 
  • November 3 - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Begins
  • November 4 - Child Safety Training
  • November 7 - Lottie Moon Book Club
  • November 10 - Volunteer Apprciation Dinner
  • November 17 - Falter Baby Shower
  • November 17 - Operation Christmas Child Box Collection
  • December 8 - Children's Christmas Perforamance & Potluck
  • December 14 - Sands Family Christmas Open House
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve Service - Carols & Cocoa

Lottie Moon Offering & Operation Christmas Child

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

We are setting goal of $2,000 for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Plan on attending our Lottie Moon Book Club to learn more about Lottie Moon's work in China that sparked this special offering that funds missionaries all around the world! 

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child kicks off this Sunday and we will be collecting boxes until November 17th. You can pick up boxes and instructions on ow to fill them at the church. On collection day we will take time to pray over them as we send them out!


Community Blood Drive

Want a chance to win free Chiefs tickets? We are partnering with the Community Blood Center and will be hosting a Blood Drive on October 25th from 1-5 p.m. Donate blood and save a life!


Outdoor Move Night is Back!

By popular demand we are bringing back the Outdoor Movie Night this year. Invite your friends and family to join us for a night of good fun, food, and fellowship. The entire event is completely FREE and open to any and all who would like to attend. 


Child Safety Training

We are partnering with the Missouri Baptist Children's Home to host a child safety training. This is a training that will be beneficial for all current Children's Ministry volunteers and any who have a desire to serve in this vital ministry in our church. This training is open to any and all at FBC Weston who would like to attend, however. We are also opening this training up to the school and any other local organizations that serve children.

The training is FREE to all attendees. 


 Sign up for the training here! 


As we kick off the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering we are hosting a book club to help educate the church on her great missionary work. Sharon Shouse tracked down a book that covers Lottie Moon's missionary work in China. There are a limited number of copies available at the Connection Desk in the Sanctuary. You can also purchase the book yourself by clicking here! We will take the month of October to read through the book and gather in November to discuss before we kick off our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. This Book Club is co-ed and open to all in the church. Bring a snack to share!


Mark Your Calendars

We are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for all FBC Weston volunteers on November 10th at 5 p.m.

The FBC Weston Children's Ministry Christmas Program is Sunday, December 8th. Christmas Potluck to follow.

The Sands Family Christmas Open House will be on December 14th from 4-8 p.m. at the Sands Residence. All are welcome!

FBC Weston Candle Light Christmas Eve Service is at 5:00 p.m. Fellowship with Cookies & Cocoa follow service. 

Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 

The Sands Family was afforded the opportunity to sneak away for a couple of days last weekend. I snapped this photo of the lake from the back deck of the house we stayed in. It reminded me of the text we looked at yesterday. Jesus has come to calm the storm. The storm of sin, death, and Satan has been calmed by the One who has authority over the winds and the seas. The comfort here is that the temporary storms of life can certainly be calmed knowing that God has caused a great calm in our souls. We have peace with God so we can take the storms of life to Jesus in prayer and join Him in sleep. Trust Jesus with the storms!

We have lots of great opportunities for ministry and fellowship. Be sure to mark your calendars. This week is the Outdoor Movie Night! Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to plan on joining us for it!

I'll see you soon, 
