For the Kingdom & For the Community

Devoted to the Ordinary Means of Grace
For the Kingdom & For the Community
Devoted to the Ordinary Means of Grace

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Weston. We have endeavored to be a church that is for the Kingdom and for the Community and we do that through a few ordinary means. 

We are devoted to God's Word. We believe that it has all we need for salvation and a life of godliness. So, we've devoted ourselves to studying the Bible, preaching the Bible, and applying our lives to what it teaches. 

We are devoted to each other. No one is saved into lone ranger Christianity! We are saved into that Kingdom we are seeking to build and the most meaningful way that is lived out in this life is in the local church. We need each other to follow Jesus well. 

We are devoted the ordinances. Among the ordinary means of grace we find Baptism and The Lord's Supper as two ordinances that Jesus commanded for us to practice regularly as a means to grow in grace. These two ordinances remind us of God's fulfilled promises in Christ Jesus to bring salvation and keep our eyes focused forward as we await His return. 

We are devoted to prayer. We truly believe that God works through prayer. It could even be that your visit here today is a direct answer to that prayer.

In Acts 2 we see the church devoted themselves to these 4 ordinary means God accomplished the extraordinary. But it didn't end there. In verses 46-47 we read, " by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." Through something as ordinary as table fellowship the Gospel was being shared and God was saving souls.

We are devoted to hospitality. Throughout the week you'll find folks gathering for fellowship, a meal, and Bible studies. And from there we have made many concerted efforts to reach out to the community and the surrounding communities for Christ.

We've watched as the Lord has blessed our effort to obey what His Word teaches on being a church that is for the Kingdom and for the Community.