What's Happening at FBC |
Women's Winter Book Study |
All ladies are invited to join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 for our Winter Book Study. We will be reading and discussing ISRAEL, MY BELOVED by Kay Arthur. This is a novel form of telling Israel's history from the beginning to Jesus Return. Use the attached link to order or let Becky Henkel know you would like to reserve one of the books she has on hand. We will begin meeting this Wednesday, January 8, and will continue to meet weekly for fellowship and learning. Contact Becky Henkel with any questions. Purchase book here.
Ordination Sunday |
The day is finally here! This coming Sunday we will officially be ordaining these men to the following leadership positions; Shawn Duryea (Elder), Steve Wahlenmaier (Elder), Mitch Giger (Elder), Daniel Heidtbrink (Elder), Rod Slump (Deacon), & Andy Harvey (Deacon).
Following service we will have a reception and are asking the church to bring a potluck side dish and/or dresser to share.
These men have been called by God, set apart by the church, and have been walking through a candidacy with Pastor Ricky & the current Deacons for the last year. Please pray for them as the candidacy officially comes to a close this week. We will be meeting with an Ordination Council on Friday consisting of Pastor Ricky, FBC Weston's current available Deacons, Pastor Steve Noyes (Interim Pastor Union Star Baptist Church/Interim DOM, SJBA), Pastor Paul Damery (Frederick Boulevard Baptist Church), & Joe Bridgman (Rivebend Bible Church/Agros Fellowhip). |
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday |
This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. One of the ministries that we support as a church is the St. Joseph Pregnancy Resource Center. We give a percentage of our weekly offering directly to the PRC but we also collect items throughout the year that stock the clothing closet for new Mothers, toys for babies, diapers, etc. This Sunday we are collecting items to take to the PRC and will kick off our annual Baby Bottle drive! For more information regarding the St. Joseph PRC, click here! |
Pastor's Pen |
Brothers & Sisters,
With Daniel officially in the FBC Weston Church Office we sat down and mapped out establishing regular Office Hours again. The above are the time frames you are guaranteed to find one or both of us at the church. We will utilize this time to work on administrative tasks, study/sermon prep, prayer, etc.. but they are not reserved just for that. These are the times that you can randomly swing by the church for a visit, check in, counsel, or cup of coffee. Or times you can call the Church Office and know someone will answer the phone. Of course, these are not the only times that we are available and may not be the only times you catch us here but these are the office hours that you'll know where to find us. As it stands I plan to be here Mondays & Wednesdays while Daniel plans to be here Tuesdays & Thursdays with many of those days both of us being here. The Church Office will be closed Friday-Sunday.
Many of you are aware that Fridays are "Family Day" meaning that we set aside this day for rest and intentional time with family. Unless there is an emergency (someone is in the hospital) our ministry focus will remain at home.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out anytime between 8:30-11:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday.
It is a joy to be on this journey with you all! |