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Due to technical difficulties the sermon from this past Sunday was not recorded. We are working hard to resolve this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.


What's Happening at FBC

  • September 4 - Ladies Daytime Bible Study Begins
  • September 6 - Volunteer Opportunity
  • September 8 - FFA Harvest Dinner
  • September 19 - Volunteer Opportunity
  • September 20 - Men's Fellowship
  • September 28 - Annual Chili Cook-off

Elder/Deacon Candidacy Meeting

The Elder/Deacon Candidates met this past week to discuss the detail of what each role actually does as they lead the church. Our meetings continue to be fruitful as we learn and grow together. Pray for these men as we inch nearer toward ordination. View our Elder & Deacon Candidates by clicking here!


Help Needed!

We need help moving Dawn Paige and Angel Hovey! They are moving from their loft downtown to a house located at 19105 State Rt. 45. Meet downtown at 6 pm on Friday September 6th. There is a storage unit to unload and their upstairs loft. 

If you have a truck and or trailer you could bring that would be helpful, but all hands are welcome to come help! 

Pizza provided! 


FFA Harvest Dinner

Here's a great way to give tangibility to being for the community. Every year the FFA puts on a Harvest Dinner downtown for a free will donation. The entire community comes together and enjoys a meal together. This is one of the Sands Family's favorite events that is put on here in Weston. Everything is provided by local businesses. 

This year the event is on September 8th from 5-7 p.m. 

Hope to see you there!


Women's Revelation Bible Studies

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

A group of women started gathering to study Revelation from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings at the church. If you'd like more information contact Angie Wahlenmaier.

Ladies Daytime Bible Study

The same Study is happening from  9:30-11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at the church beginning TOMORROW September 4th.Contact Becky Henkel for more details. 


More Help Needed!

For the last several years we have helped with an event hosted at the Weston Red Barn Farm that is put on by Platte Senior Services. On September 19th they have asked if we can help set up and break down again this year.

If you are available to help this day please contact Pastor Ricky and let him know. 


Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship gathered this past week and enjoyed time around a good meal and God's Word together. Our next gathering will be on September 20th and we are excited to have good friend, Scott Heidtbrink, with us to teach on evangelism. All FBC Men are encouraged to join us! The gather starts at 6:00 p.m. and dinner is provided. 


FBC Weston Annual Chili & Soup Cook-off

Last year the Nathan & Ashley Pospisil hosted a chili cook-off and it was such a hit we decided we're going to do it again. Plan on joining us for a night of god food, good friends, and good fellowship. Also, this is your chance to take a shot at out cooking our reigning champ, Janie West! There will be a sign up sheet for items to bring and a sign up sheet for the chili/soup cook-off at the Connection/Security Desk this Sunday. 


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 

Welcome to the 'ber' months. We are officially on the downhill toward Fall! It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Lots of great things coming up here at FBC and in town. Be sure to make note of things and involve yourself where you can. 

Regarding the picture above. Some of you will remember Nathan & Kaitlin Plummer. They were able to sneak back home last week for a visit with family and friends. They were able to swing by for a while and wanted me to pass along a hello to FBC Weston. I was sure to let them know that we're all still praying that the Lord would bring them on back to Weston. They both are doing well and finding the best rhythm to life the military will allow. Kaitlin is now working for their church as an Administrative Assistant and is really enjoying it. Continue to pray for Nathan & Kaitlin as they seek to make much of Jesus in Columbus, GA. 

It is a joy to serve the Kingdom with you,
