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Sermon Link: Impaired Vision (Matthew 7:1-6)

Spotify Link: Impaired Vision (Matthew 7:1-6)


Big thank you to Seth Mason for leading music yesterday. Please continue to pray for Seth, Catrina, Harper, & Annabelle as Seth is currently on Sabbatical. The Mason family has been joining us for worship during his time away.

It has been a joy to have them with us! 


What's Happening at FBC

  • August 22 - Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study Begins
  • August 23 - Men's Fellowship
  • September 4 - Ladies Daytime Bible Study Begins
  • September 19 - Volunteer Opportunity

Back to School Prayer

Thank you to all who joined us at West Platte to pray for the upcoming school year. Over 80 members of the community joined hands and hearts to pray. School starts this week!

Let's continue to pray for the school year!


Women's Revelation Bible Studies

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

A group of women will be gathering to study Revelation from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings at the church. Study begins August 22nd. 

Ladies Daytime Bible Study

A group of women will be gathering to study Revelation from 9:30-11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at the church. Study begins September 4th. 


Men's Ministry Opportunities 

Men's Fellowship


Our Next Men's Fellowship Gathering is August 23.  Join us at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Meal will be provided!

Men's Bookclub

THE MEN'S BOOK CLUB IS POSTPONED. NEW DATE TBA. If you would like to read the book you can still purchase and join us at the future date. 


We need Desserts!

We are excited to host a Welcome Event for foreign exchange students in the region. They are providing their own meal but we would love to provide desserts for them. The event is August 24th from 5-8 p.m. and we are expecting about 80 people in total. Big thanks to our Hospitality Team for their willingness to jump in and help serve the students this evening. 


Pray for Our IMB Missionaries!

Pray for our missionaries of the week, Pierce and Casey Bennett. The Bennetts serve as IMB missionaries in South Asia. They and their teammates are responsible for ministering to 27 unreached people groups living in remote regions.

People living in a remote South Asian village gathered around a screen to watch a video about the rise and fall of humankind and the hope for humanity. Before playing the video, Pierce and his South Asian partner told the group, “This is a true story that has spread throughout the whole world. It’s not just from America or from South Asia. It has gone all over the world. This is a story of God—God’s love and how we can have a relationship with Him.”

The video began with creation and ended with Jesus’ coming. Pierce and his national partner asked the people watching what they understood from the video. “Jesus came to die for our sins,” one person said. Another said, “He came back to life.”

PRAY alongside the Bennetts that a person or family in this village would commit their life to Christ and that others would choose to follow.

For more missionary prayer requests like this, subscribe to Missions Mosaic:


Mark your Calendars!

For the last several years we have helped with an event hosted at the Weston Red Barn Farm that is put on by Platte Senior Services. On September 19th they have asked if we can help set up and break down again this year. If you are available to help this day please contact Pastor Ricky and let him know. 


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 

Please pray! It looks like Little Oliver is going to making an early arrival. As I type this Autumn is at the hospital. They have given her a hormone that is supposed to help Oliver's lungs develop more quickly and they are monitoring her contractions. It is highly likely that Oliver joins us this week. I will keep everyone posted on progress. 

Men of FBC, please note that the Men's Book Club will be postponed to a later date. I want to encourage you to pick up the book, read it, and look for the postpone date. Link for the book is above. The Men's Fellowship Gathering is STILL on this Friday at 6:00 p.m. Our good friends, Scott Heidtbrink, will be joining us to talk evangelism! Plan on joining us for that evening of fellowship and food! Dinner is provided. 

As soon as time permits I will let you all know when Oliver is here!

“For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?” -Psalm‬ ‭18‬:‭31‬ ‭ESV‬‬
