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What's Happening at FBC

  • June 2 - Baptism Sunday
  • June 29 - Women's Book Club
  • June 30 - VBS Volunteer Meeting
  • June 9 - Kenny Sisk from Disaster Relief during Sunday School.
  • June 9 - Sands Baby Shower Meeting (following service)
  • July 22-26 - Vacation Bible School

This Sunday we will baptize several new followers of Jesus! Things look at little different as we are doing them at the Moran Residence! The address is 7700 SW RT 116 Rushville, MO 64484. The church is providing hot dogs and hamburgers. Bring a side dish or dessert to share for the reception following the baptisms!


Kenny Sisk will be joining FBC Weston on Sunday, June 9th to share about Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief. Joe Justus is cross trained in this ministry and is looking to start a DR Response Team at our church. Kenny will be sharing during the Sunday School hour as well as briefly during the worship service. If you are interested in knowing more about how or cooperative giving supports this ministry, what this ministry offers, and how you can be a part plan on joining us! For more information on Missouri Baptist Disaster relief, click here!


Women's Book Club

All women are invited to the next Women's Book Club Meeting on June 29th at 2:00 p.m. The group will be discussing "Evidence Not Seen" by Darlene Deibler Rose. The book can be purchased here.


East Drive Up Repair Finished!

Thanks to Nathan Pospisil and his crew at Ground Worx for getting the east parking finished just in time for the Women's Conference on Friday!


Parsonage Remodel

The Building & Grounds Team pulled together a good sized crew to help remodel the upstairs of the Parsonage while the Sands Family was away. The entry way closet was removed to provide more space for dining and hosting, every room was given a fresh new coat of paint, new light fixtures, and repairs were made from wear and tear. Stay tuned for an Open House date that the church will be invited to come enjoy food and fellowship in the fresh space!


FBC Weston Women's Conference

We already have nearly 70 registered for the conference!! Join us on Friday, May 31st for a one night conference hosted by the women of First Baptist! The theme of the conference is "No Matter What" and is rooted in the words of Paul in Philippians 4:4-13. You don't want to miss this! "No matter what, God sustains!" For more information, hit the registration link. Register here!


Vacation Bible School

Mark your calendars for July 22-26th

Registration is now LIVE!

VBS Volunteer Meeting, June 30th.


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 

I have struggled to find words for the last couple of weeks. So, this Pastor's Pen feels a little all over the place. Our time away was so wonderful for the Sands Family to recharge and reconnect as a family. Thank you for allowing us that time. We had lots of good laughs, a few cries, and many deep conversations. We did "all the things" down in Branson and the Ozarks as I've told many. We were even blessed with an opportunity to drive up into a mountain and crash for a night in a remote cabin. We sat out and watched the sunset and discussed the beauty of God's creation. 

For the highlight reel click here!

While we were away we made a few new friends. One family we met in the pool and they live right over in Platte City! We're hopeful to reconnect now that we're back. Another family we met at the hot tub. They live in what they call the "Deep South" of Tennessee. They've been asking the Lord what is next for their family as they seek to move. We were sure to tell them that Northwest MO was a beautiful place to raise a family. They were a little excited about the possibility of already having a Pastor if God actually opened a door for them. We met another family at the hot tub the next evening and made fast friends with them as they are also in ministry. They were in Branson on vacation as well. Pray for all of these families as they are all seeking God's guidance in their lives. 

We were blessed to visit two different churches. The first one was inside of Silver Dollar City. Did you know they have a church service in there? They sure do. They have a Chaplain that oversees the services and even have guest preachers come in from time to time. Autumn is already on the hunt to see how I can get to do that some day, ha! The second church we visited was The Way Baptist Church which happened be just down the street from our condo. This church came as recommendation from the DeJarnetts! We were incredibly blessed by our time together there. Pray for them! They are moving locations to better accommodate their current ministry needs while also looking toward the future. 

When we left we knew that the Building & Grounds Team were going to up date the house.. but I must say that we were completely shocked at what they pulled together in such a short amount of time. I cannot thank you all enough. Autumn and I have been cared for over the years in ministry but we have never been cared for like FBC Weston cares for us. That is not lip service, either. Please accept my deepest heartfelt thank you. This house truly feels like a home to us and we cannot wait to welcome little Oliver into it in September. Thank you for loving us!

While we were away I spent a lot of time reflecting on God's faithfulness to my family, the many families at FBC, and the church as a whole. And this is where I end... where I began. I really am struggling to find words. What the Lord is doing in our church are answers to prayers I prayed... thinking that God probably wouldn't answer them. I am repenting of that wrong thinking and learning all the more to keep trusting Him. 

I want to personally thank Steve & Shawn for preaching in my absence and for the other Elder Candidates, Deacons, & Deacon Candidates for leading in the ways they did these last couple of weeks. Your leadership is already promoting continued growth in health to our body!

This weekend is going to be another one for the history books! I am so looking forward to the Women's Conference on Friday. By the way, I've already got a sneak peek of the message being shared by Courtney... Ladies, if you haven't signed up, do! Then, on Sunday we will gather around The Lord's Table during service and then reconvene for Baptisms at the Moran residence.

Don't forget to check the app for prayer requests. I recently added one in there to be praying for the Slump Family. Debbie's Mom, Irene, passed on into glory while we were away. 

I can't way to see you all! 
