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Brothers & Sisters, 

In light of everything that we have been walking through as a church for the last few weeks I am compelled, in the spirit of propagating the truth, to share with you the truth surrounding Amendment 3 which is set to be on the ballot in November's election. I am not doing so to give a political opinion. My purpose in addressing this specific proposed amendment to our state constitution is two fold. First, it is my heart's desire to edify and equip you to to discuss these matters in meaningful ways. Secondly, this amendment is purposefully deceitful and crosses primary theological lines that Christians must concern themselves with. 

The Amendment is titled, "Right to Reproductive Freedom" and this language is chosen intentionally, strategically, and deceptively as if to suggest women do not currently have reproductive rights in the state of Missouri. This is not true. First, women have the right to reproduce. There is not a single regulation on who can reproduce in our state. Secondly, (you may be thinking by now that I am being facetious and in a way I am because we all know that this is not what the amendment is addressing, more on that in a moment) if a woman chooses to reproduce she has every right granted to her on how that child will be born. She has a fundamental right to choose a doctor, a doula, or a midwife. She has a fundamental right to choose whether her baby will be born at a hospital or at home. She has a fundamental right to choose whether she would like to have a baby by natural vaginal birth or c-section. She has a fundamental right to choose whether or not she would like to employ the use of medication during the delivery process. The list goes on. I share all of this to say that the reproductive rights for pregnant women in our state are far from limited. The only freedom that a woman does not currently have is a right to abort her baby without regulation which is what Amendment 3 is actually seeking to constitutionalize in our state.

Please see the photos below for the official language on the ballot: 





This has serious implications! 

  1. It would constitutionalize unregulated abortion in two ways; by making it allowable for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy and by allowing the abortion to be performed by any "health care professional" regardless of actual credentials.
  2. It would constitutionalize the elimination of Missouri's current parental consent laws by removing the need for parental consent for minors seeking to receive an abortion. 
  3. It would constitutionalize Missouri taxpayers funding unregulated abortions by allowing abortion facilities to receive taxpayer funding.
  4. It would constitutionalize abortion as a fundamental right under the guise of health care. 
  5. It would constitutionalize the disregard of a baby's ability to feel pain during an abortion. 
  6. It would constitutionalize the definition of Fetal Viability on "good faith judgement" of abortion providers. 
  7. It would constitutionalize the forfeit of health and safety standards. 
  8. It would constitutionalize the removal of a woman's ability to sue for malpractice if an abortion is botched. 

The Psalmist writes in Psalm 139:13-16, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” As we look to God's word as the final authority on such matters we see that every child is an image bearer, given the breath of life from Almighty God, Himself, regardless of the human means by which the child was conceived. 

Amendment 3 is incompatible with the Christian worldview as it seeks to enshrine the right to unregulated abortion into Missouri's Constitution which is an assault to every human being's fundamental right to life.

I read a quote from Francis Schaefer this past week. "Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, 'Open by permission of the church.'" May it not be so! We are called to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” (Proverbs 31:8) As we inch closer and closer to the election in November I pray that you are equipped to do as such! 

Heading to the ballot box with an informed conscience with you, 

-Pastor Ricky