First Baptist Church of Weston is lead and served by a plurality of Elders & Deacons.

Not pictured: Rick Beall (Deacon)


Our Staff Pastors are those called by the church and gifted by God to carry out their work vocationally.  They administer day to day operations of the church and are available for counseling throughout the week.

Daniel Heidtbrink
  • Staff Pastor, Music & AV, Day to Day Operations


Our Elders are the men called and gifted by God to oversee the ministry and resources of the church. They devote themselves to prayer, ministry of the Word and to shepherding and overseeing the church.

Mitch Giger
  • Elder, Community Based Groups
Daniel Heidtbrink
  • Staff Pastor, Music & AV, Day to Day Operations
Shawn Duryea
  • Elder, Education
Steve Wahlenmaier
  • Elder, Church Based Groups & Studies


Our Deacons are the men called and  gifted  by God to serve the temporal and physical needs of our church and people.

Rick West
  • Deacon, Security & Hospitality
Mark Henkel
  • Deacon, Senior Care
Rick Beall
  • Deacon, Inactive
Rod Slump
  • Deacon, Stewardship & Benevolence
Andy Harvey
  • Deacon, Building & Grounds

Deacon Emeritus: David Horseman