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What's Happening at FBC


  • January 8 - Winter Women's Book Study Begins
  • January 12-14 - NEXT Conference
  • January 19 - Ordination Sunday
  • January 20 - Evening Women's Bible Study Begins

Women's Winter Book Study

All ladies are invited to join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 for our Winter Book Study. We will be reading and discussing ISRAEL, MY BELOVED by Kay Arthur. This is a novel form of telling Israel's history from the beginning to Jesus Return.  Use the attached link to order or let Becky Henkel know you would like to reserve one of the books she has on hand. We will begin meeting this Wednesday, January 8, and will continue to meet weekly for fellowship and learning. Contact Becky Henkel with any questions. Purchase book here.

NEXT Conference

Pastor Ricky has been asked to speak with some other great Pastors at the NEXT Conference at Green Valley Baptist Church in St. Joseph on Sunday, January 12th at 6:00 p.m.“The Next Conference will be a 3 night event from Jan 12th-14th starting at 6pm each night. 3 nights of worship with 6 churches and 6 next generation pastors who will be speaking on their Biblical passion." I will be preaching a messaged titled, "Passing the Baton" from 2 Timothy 1:1-7 on the importance of encouraging the next generation of leaders in the church. 



Women's Bible Study

All women are invited to join us on Monday evenings for a Bible Study through the book of Ruth. The study will begin on January 20th and will gather from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Contact Angie Wahlenmaier with any questions. 



Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters,


I snapped this photo while shoveling snow this morning. I cannot remember the last time we got this much snow. It truly is beautiful to look at. Before I dug my shovel into the ground I had a moment of hesitancy. I almost didn't want to disturb it. There's nothing quite like the still quiet air after a freshly fallen snow. As I was clearing off the steps of the porch I looked up at the risen sun and was struck with a wonderful reminder. 


Because the Son is risen I have been washed white as snow. 


Let this reminder of the Gospel carry you through your day as it carried me through the rest of my snow shoveling!


It sure was different preaching to a screen and I missed seeing you in person. I enjoyed the many pictures sent my way showing your families gathered in the living room! If you were unable to tune in you can find the sermon links above. Stay safe and warm out there. I hope to connect with you this week. 


“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” -Psalm‬ ‭51‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬
