What's Happening at FBC |
Sanctity of Human Life Month |
We kicked off our annual Baby Bottle drive a couple of weeks ago. If you have not picked up a bottle to fill with change, cash, or check you can find them in the Foyer on Sunday mornings. We will collect these bottles through February. For more information regarding the St. Joseph PRC, click here! We will be collecting the bottles through February! |
Women's Winter Book Study |
All ladies are invited to join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 for our Winter Book Study. We will be reading and discussing ISRAEL, MY BELOVED by Kay Arthur. This is a novel form of telling Israel's history from the beginning to Jesus Return. Use the attached link to order or let Becky Henkel know you would like to reserve one of the books she has on hand. We will begin meeting this Wednesday, January 8, and will continue to meet weekly for fellowship and learning. Contact Becky Henkel with any questions. Purchase book here.
FBC Weston's Youth Group is back! We will begin gathering every Sunday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Youth Group is a place for students in grades 6-12th to gather to grow in fellowship with likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ and grow deeper in God's Word. The time is loosely structured for allowance of group games/activities, fellowship around food, and a Bible study led by one of our Pastors of Youth Leaders. |
1st-5th Grade Sunday School Class |
Photo taken during a lesson on building the Tabernacle. |
Photo taken during a lesson on building the Tabernacle. |
Becky Henkel wanted to take a moment to brag on the students on the 1st-5th Grade Sunday School Class. As of yesterday, the 1st - 5th Grade Sunday School Class has now been 100% bringing, and using, their own Bibles to class for 3 months in a row. Mrs. Becky and the class are issuing a challenge to the other classes, because we've learned that having your own Bible in hand on Sunday helps us know God's Word better all week long. |
Baby Lucas: Please continue to pray for Lucas' family as they mourn his loss.
Weston UMC: Pat Norman, Weston UMC's Worship Leader, passed into glory unexpectedly. Pray for Pat's family, the church, and leadership as they continue to grieve.
Dawn Paige: Dawn is going back to have knee surgery as this is being sent out.
Cindy Larison: Pray for Cindy as she will undergo surgery on her foot today. |
Pastor's Pen |
Brothers & Sisters,
Don't forget that this Sunday we will be taking photos of individuals and families for an updated FBC Weston Photo Directory. We will also be doing a Connect Card push. Photos will be taken following the worship service in the Sanctuary in front of the platform. Please fill out a Connect Card found at your seats, drop it in the Tithe/Offering Box, and see Katie Heidtbrink for your photo opportunity.
We will have the new directory completed within the month of March for print and on the app.
This coming Sunday is The Lord's Supper. To better prepare for this time together I want to encourage you to read through Psalm 7. I look forward to connecting with you this week! |