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What's Happening at FBC


  • January 20 - Evening Women's Bible Study Begins
  • June 6 - FBC Weston Women's Conference (subject to change)

The FBC Weston Church Office will be closed today, Monday, January 20th. 


Ordination Sunday

What a beautiful and historic day at FBC Weston. More pictures are going to be uploaded to our Facebook page. Please head over there for more!


Women's Winter Book Study

All ladies are invited to join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 for our Winter Book Study. We will be reading and discussing ISRAEL, MY BELOVED by Kay Arthur. This is a novel form of telling Israel's history from the beginning to Jesus Return.  Use the attached link to order or let Becky Henkel know you would like to reserve one of the books she has on hand. We will begin meeting this Wednesday, January 8, and will continue to meet weekly for fellowship and learning. Contact Becky Henkel with any questions. Purchase book here.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

This past Sunday was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Thank you for brining items for the St. Joseph PRC. We also kicked off our annual Baby Bottle drive! For more information regarding the St. Joseph PRC, click here! We will be collecting the bottles through February! You can pick them up in the Foyer of the church. 


Women's Bible Study

All women are invited to join us on Monday evenings for a Bible Study through the book of Ruth. The study will begin on January 20th and will gather from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Contact Angie Wahlenmaier with any questions. 



Cindy Larison is having surgery this week. We have set up a Meal Train for her and you can sign up by clicking here!


Baby Lucas: Please pray for Lucas' family. We have received word that there is nothing else the doctor's can do for Lucas. They will be removing his life support on Tuesday. 


Weston UMC: Pat Norman, Weston UMC's Worship Leader, passed into glory unexpectedly. Pray for Pat's family, the church, and leadership. 


Dawn Paige: Dawn is going back to have knee surgery as this is being sent out. 


Cindy Larison: Pray for Cindy as she will undergo surgery on her foot today. 

Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters,


God has been so faithful to us! I say that but also want you to know that He has blessed your continued faithfulness. Thank you for taking the last several years and walking with me in patience and grace as we made a huge shift in our church's leadership and governance. While we have finalized our becoming an Elder-led church the work has really only just begun. Please pray for these men as continue to grow in serving and shepherding FBC Weston faithfully. 


I sensed that we were going to run a little long if I delve too deeply into the FBC Weston Leadership Organization Chart so I was brief but thought it could be a good thing to share a bit more about the leadership these men are assuming. 


Staff Pastors - Ricky Sands (myself) will continue to serve as the Full Time Staff Pastor of the church and will continue to labor in Preaching, Counseling, and Day to Day operations. Daniel Heidtbrink has joined FBC Weston's Staff to help with Day to Day Operations, Music/AV, and will also labor in counseling with me throughout the week. 


Lay Elders - Shawn Duryea has oversight of Education ministries. This would include but not necessarily limited to Sunday School for all ages, Children's Ministries, and other ministries that take place on Sunday mornings. Shawn will provide oversight and help to those serving and leading in these ministries. Steve Wahlenmaier has oversight of Church Based Groups & Studies. This would include Men's/Women's Bible Studies, Fellowship Groups, etc. Steve will provide oversight and work with those who are serving and leading in these ministries. Mitch Giger has oversight of Community Based Groups. Mitch will be working the Elders to help develop Bible studies that meet in homes. 


Deacons - Rod Slump has oversight of Stewardship & Benevolence. Requests for benevolence will first go to him. He will provide oversight of the Stewardship Team and work with the Elders to give direction on budget construction and stewardship of our resources. Rick West has oversight of Security & Hospitality. Rick will continue to work with his team to keep us safe and work with Hospitality to ensure that the kitchen is stocked for our events as well as for The Lord's Supper. Mark Henkel has oversight of a newly developing ministry at the church focused on Senior Care. He and Becky are working together on this ministry and Mark will have oversight of being sure that the needs of our senior saints are met. Andy Harvey now has oversight of the Building & Grounds Team. He will work with the Elders and his team to be sure that routine maintenance at the church and parsonage are taken care of and plans are made for future larger projects. Rick Beall is taking a temporary leave of absence from serving as an active Deacon while he focuses on his health. 


This does not exhaust all that these leaders will help with, serve in, or oversee but it gives us a general idea and a foundation to build on. These men at their selection and ordination by the church are the authority and oversight of these areas of ministry. They are who you talk to if you have questions, want to get involved, or have input for. They are happy to serve you and the church. 


Personally, I look forward to serving with these men moving forward. It is a joy to lead in a plurality! Please see the FBC Weston Leadership Organization Chart below. 


"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬
