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What's Happening at FBC

  • September 19 - Volunteer Opportunity
  • September 20 - Men's Fellowship
  • September 28 - Annual Chili Cook-off
  • October 6 - Applefest Sunday - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL, Service at 9:00 a,m.
  • October TBD - Family Meeting
  • October 25 - Community Blood Drive
  • November 4 - Child Safety Training

Women's Revelation Bible Studies

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

A group of women started gathering to study Revelation from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings at the church. If you'd like more information contact Angie Wahlenmaier.

Ladies Daytime Bible Study

The same Study is happening from 9:30-11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at the church.


Contact Becky Henkel for more details. 


Volunteer Help Needed!

For the last several years we have helped with an event hosted at the Weston Red Barn Farm that is put on by Platte Senior Services. On September 19th they have asked if we can help set up and break down again this year.

If you are available to help this day please contact Pastor Ricky and let him know. 


Men's Fellowship


The Men's Fellowship gathered this past week and enjoyed time around a good meal and God's Word together. Our next gathering will be on September 20th and we are excited to have good friend, Scott Heidtbrink, with us to teach on evangelism. All FBC Men are encouraged to join us! The gathering starts at 6:00 p.m. and dinner is provided. 


FBC Weston Annual Chili & Soup Cook-off

Last year the Nathan & Ashley Pospisil hosted a chili cook-off and it was such a hit we decided we're going to do it again. Plan on joining us for a night of god food, good friends, and good fellowship. Also, this is your chance to take a shot at out cooking our reigning champ, Janie West! There will be a sign up sheet for items to bring and a sign up sheet for the chili/soup cook-off at the Connection/Security Desk this Sunday. 


Applefest Sunday

Applefest is just around the corner and for the last several years we have moved our Worship Service to 9:00 a.m. to allow folks to get home before the rush of visitor traffic. On Sunday, October 6th we will only have a worship service at 9:00 a.m. We will not have Sunday School classes that morning. As members of the Chamber of Commerce we have worked with the Chamber to offer FREE parking at the church on Saturday and Sunday and our lot will be a shuttle stop for folks to park and get shuttled into the festival. This is just another way that we are putting a little skin on our church being for the community.  


Community Blood Drive

We are partnering with the Community Blood Center and will be hosting a Blood Drive on October 25th from 1-5 p.m. Donate blood and save a life!


Child Safety Training

We are partnering with the Missouri Baptist Children's Home to host a child safety training. This is a training that will be beneficial for all current Children's Ministry volunteers and any who have a desire to serve in this vital ministry in our church. This training is open to any and all at FBC Weston who would like to attend, however. We are also opening this training up to the school and any other local organizations that serve children.

The training is FREE to all attendees. 


Free Firewood

Big thanks to Jim DeJarnett for your continued work on the hill. A dead tree was taken out and there is a lot of free firewood for the taking. Whatever does not find a home this week will be posted on Facebook for members of the community to come get.


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 


Look who came by to pay me a visit this past week! For those of you who do not know, this is David & Carolyn Horseman. They are long time members of the church. In fact, they were members when the church was still located at what is now the Weston Historical Museum. They were the first couple to be married in the building we currently worship in after it was finished. David is a Deacon Emeritus. That is a position that pays honor to his nearly 40 years of service to FBC Weston. His wife Carolyn served right alongside him in many roles including a Sunday School teacher and Benevolence Ministry Director for most of those years. While I only had the privilege of spending a few years with David around the leadership table, I think he would agree that we certainly covered A LOT of ground together. He's seen just about every kind of season of life and ministry in this church and he labored with me in prayer, in the Word, and a lot practical application that has helped bring FBC Weston to where we are today. Over the last year they both have battled complications with their health that has prevented them from being able to worship with us in person. A few of us have made it a priority to try and visit often so it was extra special to be the one on the receiving end of a visit. David & Carolyn asked that I pass along their love for FBC Weston, that they certainly miss everyone, and that they are so encouraged by what God has been doing over the last year. They also wanted me to pass along a thank you for thinking and praying for them. They have appreciated all the calls, visits, and prayers!


I would ask that you please continue to pray for them. While we would love to have them worshiping with us on a Sunday morning it is totally understandable that they are providentially hindered from doing so at this time. 


While I have you I'll just share a little something that I've been chewing on since our visit. This is what it is about. Being a church that is for the Kingdom carries a devotion of being a church that is "devoted to each other" in every season. The church is called to share the Gospel with the lost world around it and enjoy strengthening fellowship and care for and among the saints. There is a balance to the Christian life! Thank you for being a church that gets that and works hard to keep growing in that. 


It is such a joy to serve with you all!
