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Sermon Link: He is... (Colossians 1:15-23)

Spotify Link: He is... (Colossians 1:15-23)


Big thank you to Jake McCaslin for preaching yesterday! It was such a joy to have them with us! Please continue to pray for he and Paige as they are gearing up for their wedding day this Saturday!


What's Happening at FBC

  • September 4 - Ladies Daytime Bible Study Begins
  • September 19 - Volunteer Opportunity
  • September 20 - Men's Fellowship
  • TBD - Annual Chili Cook-off

Women's Revelation Bible Studies

Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

A group of women started gathering to study Revelation from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings at the church. If you'd like more information contact Angie Wahlenmaier.

Ladies Daytime Bible Study

The same Study is happening from  9:30-11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at the church beginning September 4th. Contact Becky Henkel for more details. 


Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship gathered this past week and enjoyed time around a good meal and God's Word together. Our next gathering will be on September 20th and we are excited to have good friend, Scott Heidtbrink, with us to teach on evangelism. All FBC Men are encouraged to join us! The gather starts at 6:00 p.m. and dinner is provided. 


ISE Foreign Exchange Student Event

80+ people gathered at the church last Saturday to welcome foreign exchange students from across the globe! The host families provided a potluck of American Cuisine! Thank you FBC for providing the desserts. #forthekingdom #forthecommunity


Pray for Our IMB Missionaries!

Jonathan, and his wife, Dora, planted Sojourn Church in Gardner, KS this past March! They were sent out by Mill Creek Community Church with the hope of continuing to multiply.
Pray for their team as they reach and engage their community with the gospel!
For more missionary prayer requests like this, subscribe to Missions Mosaic:

You can also follow NAMB on Facebook here:

Side note: I met Jonathan at the Simeon Trust workshop last Fall. He's such a solid guy and I look forward to all the Lord does in his new church plant!


Mark your Calendars!

For the last several years we have helped with an event hosted at the Weston Red Barn Farm that is put on by Platte Senior Services. On September 19th they have asked if we can help set up and break down again this year.

If you are available to help this day please contact Pastor Ricky and let him know. 


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters, 

I cannot begin to express the whirlwind that this week has been! Oliver's arrival came just under 5 weeks early. We had a long list of "to do's" that we were supposed to start knocking out this week.. but God had other plans. We went from having "all the things to do" to being forced to let it all go and to pivot the direction that He was having us go. Autumn and I were reflecting on that this morning. We are prone to forget that God is sovereign and in control. We had this birth meticulously planned right down to the date and time. Yet, here we are! I'll spare you the details but we've learned a lot of lessons on fear, control, and trust! 

The greatest lesson we are learning, though, is one of gratitude. I shared yesterday that I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor in three different churches. While all three churches have taken care of us we have never experienced the kind of care that we have received from First Baptist Church. Being a Pastor is an interesting thing. Sometimes the shepherd doesn't always feel a part of the flock. There are various reasons for that, some justified... some not so much. Maybe some of that has to do with assuming the one who does the majority of the care is fine. Whatever the cause, we don't feel that here at all. The shepherd and his family feel just as loved, just as cared for, just as encouraged, just at blessed, just as much a part of this church as others often express here at FBC. We truly know that we are as much a part of this congregation as we are leading it.

So, I wanted to provide a personal note of thanks. 

This past year has been overwhelming. I have had every intent of sitting down to write personal thank you's almost every single week and the moment I do I have found that I suddenly have 3 or 4 more to add to the list. I have been overwhelmed by the frequency of your blessing and the depth of your love for myself and my family. Though I have been told many times we are not, I feel indebted to you all. I was reminded that there has never been any desire that we pay back what has been gifted. In that sense then, your continued care in my family's life is a constant reminder of Christ's very love toward us! The best part about all of this is that I know that we are not the only ones. This has become a part of the DNA of our church - a devotion to each other. 

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” -John‬ ‭13‬:‭35‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Thank you for ensuring that we are a part of that! 
