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What's Happening at FBC


  • March-April - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
  • March-April - Easter Basket Item Collection - Packing day TBD
  • April 11-12 - Reclaiming Glory Conference
  • April 12 - Easter Basket Packing Day
  • April 18 - Good Friday
  • April 20 - Resurrection Sunday
  • April 27 - Quarterly Family Meeting & Meal
  • May 2-3 - Men & Children Camping Trip
  • June 6 - FBC Weston Women's Conference
  • June 16-18 - FBC Weston Youth SDC Trip

Coming Down the Pipe:

Discussions with Melissa Ohden about an event at FBC Weston. Date TBD


St. Joseph PRC Tour Date TBD


St. Joseph Baptist Association: Every Tuesday we are commissioning our churches to pray for the DOM/AMS Search Team and process.


Carter/Harris Family: Many of you know the Carter & Harris Family. Please pray for them as they mourn the loss of CR this past week. CR is beloved by many in this church and in the Weston community as a whole. If you know Toolie & Barbara or Vicky (former members of FBC Weston) please pray for them specifically. 


We will be working on the Church Directory and are hopeful to have a new version printed and/or on the app by the end of March.


If you would like an giving statement for your tax preparation please contact Jaci at  with subject line "Giving Statement" and she will get one to you.


Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed

Are you interested in serving in one of the largest ministries at FBC Weston? Well, we've got an opportunity for you!! We are in need of volunteers for our growing Children's Ministry. There are different kinds of roles for all giftings. If you a re interested in serving once a month with a team of dynamic volunteers talk with our Children's Ministry Director, Autumn Sands!


Small Groups

Are you interested in leading, hosting, or joining a small group? The Elders have been discussing how to best encourage and organize these groups for those who are. If you have interest please talk to one of our Elders, Mitch Giger. We would like to gauge some interest and from there will discuss details and requirements!


Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

For the months of March & April we will be taking up a special offering for the North American Mission Board's Annie Armstrong Easter Offering! This specific offering goes directly to the missionaries funded by NAMB. For more information click here! We have set a $3,000 goal this year. If the Lord is leading you to give you will find special envelopes in the chair backs in front of you. Place your offering in the envelope and drop it in the offering back in the back!


Easter Basket Item Collection

What started as a small effort from one faithful saint here at FBC Weston has grown into one of the largest outreach opportunities to our community! We are collecting items to construct Easter Baskets for the children in our community. Think candies (not chocolate), grass, small toys and trinkets, coloring books, pens, pencils, and tract information that shares the Gospel. We will collect the items until the day we construct the baskets on April 13th! Please collect and bring the items to the church and leave in the copy room (former Secretary Office).


Reclaiming Glory Conference

The St. Joseph Baptist Association Revitalization & Replanting Team is putting on a FREE conference in featuring Mark Clifton & Kyle Bueermann of the North American Mission Board. Frederick Boulevard Baptist Church is hosting. Everything is FREE including a meal and some good books! Pastor Ricky would love to see a good representation from FBC Weston present at the conference as we share about God's story of renewal in our own church! The following Sunday (April 13th) Kyle Bueermann will be joining us at FBC Weston for worship and will be preaching the message. Check out the promotional video here!


Register for the conference here! 


Good Friday/Resurrection Sunday

Join us for Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday Services! On Resurrection Sunday we will have a breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Bring a dish to share!


Baptism Sunday

We are excited to hold Baptisms during service on Resurrection Sunday! If you have surrendered your life to Jesus and have not followed through with Baptism please see one of the Elders. We will be holding a Baptism preparation meeting where Pastor Ricky will overview baptism and discuss both spiritual and logistical preparation for the day of. Date TBD.


Quarterly Family Meeting & Meal

Our next Family Meeting will be April 27th following service. Please plan on joining us for this very important meeting as we will hear updates from several ministry teams, a report from the Elders, vote in new members, and more! If you have items for the Elders to consider for the meeting please have those to the us by the Thursday before the meeting.


Men & Children Camping Trip

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Camping Trip. This trip is open to ALL men and their children (if they have them). You do not have to have children to come. This is a Men's event that is open to all children as well (not just boys)! If you have children that would like to attend but don't have a guardian that can come with them just let us know. We have made accommodations to make sure that all children can attend. We will meet at the Moran's farm on Friday, May 2nd and depart sometime midday Saturday, May 3rd. Everything is FREE! Sign-up by clicking here!


FBC Weston Women's Conference

The FBC Weston Women's Conference will be held June 6, 2025! Our speaker this year is our very own Debbie Slump. Worship will be led by members of the FBC Weston Worship Team with special guest, Kara Kiviranta. Price covers admission, the meal, and a t-shirt! Sign-up by clicking here!


FBC Youth SDC Trip

ALL 6th-12th grade students are invited to take a trip together to Silver Dollar City this Summer! This includes 5th grade students coming out of 5th and going into 6th in May. Cost covers admission, one meal, and lodging. Scholarships available upon request! More information will be coming soon.


Pastor's Pen

Brothers & Sisters,


I want to thank many of you! I have entered into a pretty busy season. I have finally entered into a time where I can re-engage my studies. I enrolled into a New Testament Survey class at Midwestern that started a few weeks ago. I am really enjoying the learning process but, it sure is a lot! The "thanks" is for the checking in on us and for the grace extended when I explained much of my "ministry at a distance" as of late. I have 6 more weeks and then I'll get another break! Selfishly, I'd ask that you offer up prayer for the Sands Family as it is a bit of a juggling act for us. The Lord has been so very kind through it already!


Speaking of busy! Look at all that we have going on. Be sure to mark your calendars and get signed up for those opportunities for fellowship and ministry you'd like to involve yourselves in! 


It is a joy to be on this journey with you,

