What's Happening at FBC |
Coming Down the Pipe: Discussions with Melissa Ohden about an event at FBC Weston. Date TBD
St. Joseph PRC Tour Date TBD |
St. Joseph Baptist Association: Every Tuesday we are commissioning our churches to pray for the DOM/AMS Search Team and process.
Paige/Prescott Family: Pray for the Paige/Prescott Family as they lay Valjean to rest. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to bring meals for the memorial this week. |
We will be working on the Church Directory and are hopeful to have a new version printed and/or on the app by the end of March. |
If you would like an giving statement for your tax preparation please contact Jaci at fbcwestonmo@gmail.com with subject line "Giving Statement" and she will get one to you. |
Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed |
Are you interested in serving in one of the largest ministries at FBC Weston? Well, we've got an opportunity for you!! We are in need of volunteers for our growing Children's Ministry. There are different kinds of roles for all giftings. If you a re interested in serving once a month with a team of dynamic volunteers talk with our Children's Ministry Director, Autumn Sands! |
Small Groups |
Are you interested in leading, hosting, or joining a small group? The Elders have been discussing how to best encourage and organize these groups for those who are. If you have interest please talk to one of our Elders, Mitch Giger. We would like to gauge some interest and from there will discuss details and requirements! |
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering |
For the months of March & April we will be taking up a special offering for the North American Mission Board's Annie Armstrong Easter Offering! This specific offering goes directly to the missionaries funded by NAMB. For more information click here! We have set a $3,000 goal this year. If the Lord is leading you to give you will find special envelopes in the chair backs in front of you. Place your offering in the envelope and drop it in the offering back in the back! |
Easter Basket Item Collection |
What started as a small effort from one faithful saint here at FBC Weston has grown into one of the largest outreach opportunities to our community! We are collecting items to construct Easter Baskets for the children in our community. Think candies (not chocolate), grass, small toys and trinkets, coloring books, pens, pencils, and tract information that shares the Gospel. We will collect the items until the day we construct the baskets. That date is still TBD. Please collect and bring the items to the church and leave in the copy room (former Secretary Office). |
Men's/Boy's Camping Trip Informational Meeting |
We are planning a Men's/Boy's Camping Trip this Summer. All men are invited to join us for an informational meeting in the Fellowship Hall on March 16th following service! |
Men's Fellowship Gathering |
Our next Men's Fellowship Gathering will be March 21st at 6:00 p.m We will be meeting at the church and food will be provided! All men are invited. |
FBC Weston Youth Group |
Calling ALL Parents of 5th grade students and up!! We are inviting Parents of 5th graders to join us as they will be invited into the Youth Group at the conclusion of the current school year. There will be an FBC Weston Youth Parent Meeting on Sunday, March 23rd at 5:00 p.m. At this meeting we would like to share some details with you regarding the future of the ministry, opportunity for ongoing involvement, and to hear from you on what you would hope to see in the youth ministry. |
Reclaiming Glory Conference |
The St. Joseph Baptist Association Revitalization & Replanting Team is putting on a FREE conference in featuring Mark Clifton & Kyle Bueermann of the North American Mission Board. Frederick Boulevard Baptist Church is hosting. Everything is FREE including a meal and some good books! Pastor Ricky would love to see a good representation from FBC Weston present at the conference as we share about God's story of renewal in our own church! The following Sunday (April 13th) Kyle Bueermann will be joining us at FBC Weston for worship and will be preaching the message. |
Good Friday/Resurrection Sunday |
Join us for Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday Services! |
Quarterly Family Meeting & Meal |
Our next Family Meeting & Meal will be April 27th following service. Please plan on joining us for this very important meeting as we will hear updates from several ministry teams, a report from the Elders, vote in new members, and more! Bring a dish to share at the meal following the meeting! |
Pastor's Pen |
Brothers & Sisters,
I hope that you're enjoying this warm weather. It looks like for the foreseeable future this is what things are going to look like. Get out and enjoy it. Spring is always a beautiful reminder that through death God has brought forth new life! In just a few short weeks we will celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus that did just that for our dead souls.
Who are you inviting to come celebrate? Would you begin now to pray about that one person you would like to invite to visit FBC Weston on Resurrection Sunday? That one person you've been hopeful God would open the door for a spiritual conversation with? Maybe it is a neighbor? An old friend? Or a co-worker? Maybe it is family? Resurrection Sunday is an easy one. While the cultural pressure to be a part of a church is relatively low in our day there is still something in many people that think they should be in church on Easter. Let that give you a little confidence and go ahead and invite that person or those people to join us. Who knows what God might do?!
I know we are already looking forward to celebrating with you!
I'll be in and out of the Office this week due to Valjean's Memorial Service. Please feel free to reach out via email or phone anytime. I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can. Pastor Daniel should be here his regular hours this week.
Have a grace filled week! |